Feature of Laboratory
Based on investigating what elements are composed of substances and how the atoms are arranged, we are conducting research on utilizing substances as new materials or extracting energy from substances. The properties of substances and materials are developed by the combination of various elements. By changing the combination and arrangement of elements, it is possible to create substances with completely different properties and functions. Also, the chemical reaction of a substance involves the entry and exit of energy, so it can be used as an energy source. We believe that if we can find new ways to use substances, we can make the most of our limited resources and contribute to the realization of a sustainable and prosperous life.
Specifically, we are conducting the following research:
(1) Development of chemical reaction process
We are researching new production methods for hydrogen and ammonia, which are important as new energy and chemical raw materials. This method utilizes industrial waste such as scrap iron and environmental pollutants such as carbon dioxide. We are analyzing the reaction mechanism and examining the appropriate reaction conditions to improve the production efficiency of hydrogen and ammonia.
(2) Analysis and reactivity evaluation of wastes
For the purpose of utilizing steel slag, which is industrial waste, we conduct detailed analysis of its components.
We are also working on elucidating the interaction between components, the mechanism by which that interaction appears, and evaluating chemical reactivity.
We are also working on elucidating the interactions between components and the mechanisms by which these interactions appear, and evaluating chemical reactivity.
(3) Synthesis of inorganic materials and evaluation of their functions
We are trying to use clay minerals that exist in the surrounding natural environment and steel slag that is industrial waste as an adsorbent and ion exchange material. We also synthesize functional materials by chemical processing using these as raw materials. Using the obtained functional materials, we are trying to fix environmental pollutants such as radioactive cesium and recover resources, and evaluate the performance.
(4) Development and utilization of new X-ray analysis methods
By utilizing X-ray analysis methods such as X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction, we can analyze the atomic level structure and bonding state of the above substances and materials, and clarify the mechanisms that lead to the properties and functions of the substances. Furthermore, we are developing a new X-ray analysis method unique to our laboratory that can analyze various materials without breaking them and examine the distribution of invisible substances and the defect structure inside the materials.
Message to students
I want graduates to be active in various fields after they enter the world of work. Therefore, I have set a variety of research themes in order to obtain a broad perspective and knowledge. I hope you will be interested in the research of other members as well as your own research theme, deepen your understanding, and actively participate in discussions. Needless to say, the visible research results are evaluated, but the attitude toward the research, the cooperativeness in living in the laboratory, the attitude to adhere to the rules, and take seriously things are comprehensively evaluated.